How do I become mentally strong?

Asked Mar 25, 2021 at 17.50

Active 2 months ago

By Ajay Patidar

Now a days i feel very sad, i don't know to overcome that. so that i asking this question How do I become mentally strong?

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3 Answers

Mike Sullivan

Answered on Apr 25, 2021

My friend Pankaj is a Upsc aspirant.

Last year, through tons of hardwork, he had made it to the interview stage. We were optimistic about his selection.

The day of result arrived.

We relentlessly scrolled through the list but alas! His name was nowhere to be seen in the list.

My eyes were moist.

I just couldn't gather enough courage to look at the person who had given his everything and yet, gained so little.

What will you do now? I asked.

Study harder. He said.

That was it.

Within an hour, there he was, on his study desk, putting the exact amount of efforts. The result had shattered his hopes but was far from touching his will.

And when you stop letting things such as failure decide how you think and feel, you will emerge stronger too!

Much like Pankaj.

Michel Clerke

Answered on Apr 31, 2021

A truely motivational story by Sandeep Maheswari can help.

One day, two boys of same age but of different sizes went to the jungle a little far from their village.

While playing, the heavier one fell into the well and was shouting for help. The other one was searching for others to help but there was no one around.

Then, he saw a rope, so without thinking he quickly took it and threw it into the well. His friend was quick to get the end of the rope.

Then, with all his power he started pulling him back to the ground and he succeeded in doing it.

When they reached their village, they told everyone about the incident but no one believed (all thought how can this little boy pulled the heavy one).

But there was an old man who believed in their story.

As the old man was very respectable in his village, so one man asked him

"Why are you believing in their story, how can he pulled his friend, look at their size difference?”

To which he replied-

"While he was pulling him there was no one to tell him that he can not do this not even he himself”.

The end.

So, believe in yourself, ignore everyone even yourself who say that you can't do this.

It will help you to become mentally strong.

Pradap Kumar

Answered on May 5, 2021

There was this guy in my village. He fell in a well around 7 in the evening.

He tried shouting for help. But there was no one around.

He had two options.

  1. Swim until someone arrive.
  2. Die.

You know how many hours he swam continuously

16 hours.

When I heard about the story, I couldn't believe it. Because he was a normal guy. No extraordinary physical strength.

I understood one thing from it.

How mentally strong you are depends on the situations you have been through.

So, if you want to be mentally strong, throw yourself into difficult situations. You will be surprised to see your limits.

I have a friend in Special Forces. They do the same. They are made to go through very challenging and near-death situations, just to make them mentally strong.

Human mind reacts differently when it comes to survival. There is no trick.

Your lifestyle decides how mentally strong you are.


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